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  • Writer's pictureLeslie Bocobo

The MTRCB is as useful as a eunuch in a harem

The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board or MTRCB is as useful as a eunuch in a harem. Or a blind goalkeeper for the country’s soccer team.


Why do I say this? Just watch TV. There, you will see so many sexual innuendos like "kalaswaan" and "kalandian" said and done in the name of entertainment. Talents like Vice-Ganda who disgusts me by his mere appearance.


And McDonald’s Philippines even got him to be their talent to promote their food. That’s even more disgusting. And wait till he speaks and cracks those tasteless jokes on other people. And is this the role model of the youth today? So now we have young teeners acting like him, talking like him, and hoping to be like him.


And what is the MTRCB doing about this considering that under the agency’s “Implementing Rules and Regulations dated February 3, 1997, Chapter III (Scope Of Authority To Review) Section 7 (Pornographic Material and Violence) No. 5: Perverted sexual acts such as, homosexual and lesbian sexual acts, sodomy, necrophilia and zooerastia.”


Under this prohibition, and without prejudice to the rights of the LGBTQ sector of society, such behavior and language should not be shown in television especially so that this medium is a favorite entertainment of the Filipino family with kids in their formative years. Vice-Ganda, as a popular influencer, is the very wrong individual to build better citizens mindful of their respectability seen in their speech and in their behavior.


Both talent and network are only after profit from sponsors and the number of viewers and listeners. So, if the MTRCB does not do anything as to play a vital role in the upright development of citizens’ characters, then expect the next generation to be a replica of Vice-Ganda with the mentality of a sex-starved, inflatable plastic doll.


MTRCB, do your job. You owe it to the future of our nation.  Let morality rule over popularity.


Display our flag correctly

The Japanese people will never experience this challenge, and the reason is too obvious.


But for us, and each year during Flag Day or even during Independence Day, I can almost always expect myself to be incensed over the wrong display of our flag in public, if only to show our patriotism in a stupid way.


It is easy to display our flag when it is shown horizontally – blue above, red below. But the challenge really lies: the same flag is displayed vertically, and the trick is here: when the flag is displayed standing up, and when you’re facing it, the red should always be on the right as the blue is on the left.


Displaying it otherwise like red on the left is just like displaying it horizontally with the red above. It’s wrong and a violation of our heraldic code.


As a pet-peeve, I notice It’s always the 7 Eleven stores that are guilty of this, and the managers wouldn’t know any better. In addition, why do we display our colors only one day in each year when we can display it 365 days in a year?


Do we not love our country enough and aren’t proud of it? This brings our heroes clenching their fists in their graves as they address their extreme exasperation toward an uncaring, unpatriotic citizenry. In other countries, decals of their nation’s flag find their way behind vehicles and actual flag on front yards and porches.


The former is in Europe and the latter is in the US.


The Supreme Court always has the final say

There was a time in the history of our Supreme Court that it speaks only through its decisions and resolutions, but never through a spokesperson or via a PIO.


And a time when justices would decline public events or even parties. But today, it is a common site for justices to attend social functions. However so,  in spite of the many MRs it may be in receipt of, we must always accept that under our Constitution, the Supreme Court  is the final interpreter of the law.


Not the President, not the Department of Justice, not the Congressmen, nor Senators, and especially not activist movements and certainly nor public opinions. Citizens of a country must always learn to abide by the High Court’s decisions. Otherwise, our system of laws would surely break down.


If the system of laws is not followed, our courts will no longer be able to protect our rights as individuals. Every disagreement will be settled based on the whims of whoever is in control of state power at the moment, and our individual freedoms will be compromised.


But what if the Supreme Court is wrong?


Under the Constitution, the Supreme Court decides what is right and what is wrong.


Therefore, the Supreme Court is always right. It should be. For our system of laws was designed that way so there can be a final resolution to disagreements. Without the High Court as the final arbiter, disputes can go on forever, and there could be chaos in our society.


The Constitution provides impeachment as a check and balance on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is not infallible.


However, impeachment must be based on solid evidence and due process must be followed. Thus, railroading an impeachment complaint (for those who are thinking in advance) can never be due process.


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