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Writer's pictureCoach Myke Celis

Now or never

“Now na!”


I used to hear this statement a lot from different people around me, in different occasions.


From my dear friend Marge. Always. Haha!


From my clients way back then when I was still in the marketing and advertising industry. Everything is supposed to be delivered in an instant. Magic, as I used to say.


From dear friends who wanted to see me when they’re in my area. Surprise!


From my family when asked when they want to book our trip for the holidays to save. I know you can relate. 


Because of those experiences, I always associated that statement with something that’s stressful. Something that creates too much unnecessary pressure. 


Well that was when I was younger.


Because I chose to see each and every experience that forces me to leave my comfort zone at that particular point in time, as something that’s bad.


I lost count of the number of times I let out a long sigh or groan in exasperation. Yep, I was resisting it.


But now as I age, I began to see the value of what those experiences taught me.


My family taught me the importance of creating beautiful moments together and planning ahead of time so we can enjoy the process and trips more.


My friends showed me how much they care and how they exerted effort to make me feel that no matter how busy life can get, we can find time if we wanted to.


My clients allowed me to sharpen my multi-tasking skills and instilled the value of commitment and excellence in my practice, something which I still apply to date, as I juggle coaching with writing, hosting, speaking in conferences and managing multiple businesses while trying to be composed and sane. Still using magic to make all these happen. Haha!


And my friend Marge? She is a constant reminder for me to seize the day and make things happen here and now. True. Aging makes us realize how important it is to create as many beautiful memories as we can, tick off as many items on our bucket list and spend the rest of our lives doing what we love best, being with people who spark joy and creating a lasting legacy as we live our purpose.


Uhuh. “Now na” isn’t that bad after all. 


It’s actually a beautiful reminder that I still have time to change and improve my space while inspiring others to do just the same.


Of course, not everything has to happen all at once and we are entitled to rest in between. Those are given. 


What I am just saying is that stop resisting and start embracing the now and the possibilities it has for you. 


Never too early or too late to embark on that biggest adventure of yours towards becoming your own #bestmeever, no matter how that may look like for you. 


So think about this:


What have you been holding back on that you can actually do here and now?


What can make it easier for you to embrace it fully?


Whatever it is that’s in your mind and heart now, may you be brave enough to just go for it. 


Like, now na. 



Plugging: This October, I will be at the following events: October 19 in Sorsogon City as one of the speakers in the LGBTQIA+ Pride Summit to talk about inclusivity and allyship. Thank you to Governor Edwin Hamor and the members of the provincial government of Sorsogon Province for having me. And on October 26, I will be serving as the Moderator for the Mental Health and Life Long Learning Panel Discussion, as part of the Life Long Learning For Innovative Networks And Nurturing Generations event to be held at the Philippine Trade Training Center in Pasay City. Thank you to Mr. Felix Veroya of Ask Lex PH Academy for having me. Hope to see you guys there. 

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