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China warns PH against acts of infringement, provocation

BEIJING -- A Chinese defense spokesperson has warned the Philippine side not to take any rash action, and urged it to halt all acts of infringement and provocation.

Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, made the remarks at a press conference Friday in response to a media inquiry about the Philippine president's recent claim that the country has no intention to provoke or escalate tensions in the South China Sea, as well as about the military drills jointly carried out by the Philippine and US troops.

“The actions and statements from the Philippine side are contradictory and self-defeating, and it is clear to the world as of who is provoking and creating incidents in the South China Sea and exacerbating tensions through bloc rivalry,” Zhang said.

“If anyone attempts to form self-serving cliques to coerce or pressure China, their calculations are entirely misguided,” the spokesperson said.

Zhang stressed that the Chinese side will continue to take resolute and decisive measures to firmly defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The spokesperson was also asked about the Philippine authorities' recent denial of any agreement with the Chinese side concerning China's Ren'ai Jiao.

Zhang noted that regarding the issue of Ren'ai Jiao, the Chinese side has reached with the Philippine side a "gentlemen's agreement" and internal understandings out of humanitarian considerations, which could help manage differences, prevent conflicts, and build trust between the two sides.

China urges the Philippine side to adhere to the basic norms governing international relations, and stop its false narratives and reckless provocations, said the spokesperson. "Otherwise all its behaviors will only backfire on itself and do itself more harm than good."

Mission accomplished

On Friday, the non-government organization “Atin Ito” called the recently concluded civilian resupply mission to Filipino fishermen in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) a “major victory.”

Atin Ito spokesperson Emman Hizon said the mission achieved several of its goals, including holding a solidarity and peace regatta of 100 small fishing boats within the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), placing symbolic markers within the West Philippine Sea (WPS), and distributing a total of 6,000 liters of fuel and a thousand food packs to 670 fisherfolk. 

“The mission achieved a major victory on May 15 when its advance team reached the vicinity of Panatag Shoal, despite facing a massive and unlawful blocking force by China. The advance team successfully delivered supplies to the fishers in the area,” Hizon said.

He thanked the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) – especially their escort, BRP Bagacay – and other partners in the government and private sector.

“Their efforts were crucial in ensuring the safety and success of this mission,” he said.

On the other hand, PCG Commandant, Admiral Ronnie Gil Gavan, commended their personnel for their professionalism during the escort mission.

The PCG deployed two vessels – BRP Bagacay and BRP Panglao – to escort the civilian maritime convoy, in addition to an aerial asset from the PCG Aviation Command that conducted maritime surveillance.

“Our men and women ensured the safety and security of approximately 160 passengers and crew of the FFV John, FFV Aguian, FFV Paty, FFV Bing Bing, as well as local and foreign media partners who documented the civilian supply mission on board our Coast Guard ships,” Gavan said in a separate statement.

These PCG personnel, he said, exercised “utmost professionalism” in conducting radio challenges and upheld the rule of law amid shadowing incidents with several China Coast Guard vessels.

“As their commandant, I take pride in witnessing how the best Coast Guard service prevailed within our exclusive economic zone,” he said. Xinhua and PNA

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