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An Unparalleled Biofertilizer

A biofertilizer is a substance that contains living microorganisms that, when applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, colonize the rhizosphere (roots zone) or the interior of the plant, and promote growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant (Bhattacharjee & Dey, 2014).


In the Philippines, the use of biological fertilizers was instituted by enacting a law in August 27, 1997 entitled the Balanced Fertilization Strategy or BFS through Presidential Proclamation No. 1071.  


It was enacted in a year that was marked by the unbridled upsurge in prices of oil-based fertilizers, causing an increase in cost of production resulting in the  subsequent loss of income derived from the use of hybrid rice, on the part of farmers.


Since the enactment of the BFS Law in 1997, several biological fertilizers were introduced to the market such as nitrogen fixing bacteria (Azospirillum), biological fungus (Trichoderma) and soil conditioner (Bacillus Subtilis).


However, commercial manufacturing processes back then were crude, resulting in short potency period of these biofertilizer products. 


Consequently, with the unstable efficacy results of their application, farmers were unable to fully appreciate the full benefit of biofertilizers. 


Prior to the upsurge in prices of chemical fertilizers in 2021, a microbial-based biofertilizer product, UniGrow, has already been conducting nationwide trials, through the Philippine Rice Research Institute's Fertilizer Derby Program.


UniGrow contains Brevibacillus Laterosporus, a phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. 


To ensure that its potency would last for at least 3 years, the bacteria on UniGrow product are metabolically inactive in dry powder form. 


It was initially introduced in 2004-2005 throughout Mindanao under the brand name EXQUISITE by Mr. Jaime C. Vistar, and was successfully found effective by the farmers who had the chance to try it. 


However, Mr. Vistar's foreign partners failed to make good on their promise to facilitate the importation and continued supply of the product. 


In 2006, Mr. Vistar went to China in an effort to find and contact the supplier of Brevibacillus Laterosporus.


While in China, he however found out that the unique bacteria actually originated from Iceland before being brought to the United States of America for processing. 


After going through two seasons of efficacy trials, it was finally registered with the Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Standards or BAFS in 2008, under the brand name UNIGROW by JCV Worldwide Traders (JCV-WT). 


The product was successfully registered and since then was being used by farmers nationwide without the need for pesticides, insecticides, and fungicides. 


However, owing to changes in regulatory laws between the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority and the BAFS, JCV-WT failed to renew its Certificate of Product Registration on years following 2008. 


For whatever reason that have caused its delay, UniGrow was finally registered with full registration status by 2018. 


By 2020, UNIGROW's efficacy trials under PhilRice's 4-Season Fertilizer Derby Program were concluded. 


Based on PhilRice's documented successive trial reports, it turned out that UniGrow could actually decrease the use of chemical fertilizers from 65% down to ZERO chemical fertilizer inputs, WHILE INCREASING YIELD OF RICE CROPS!


Indeed, subsequent testimonies of farmers from all over the country, who had been using the product, could attest to the fact that UniGrow stands out as the most efficient, safe, reliable and cost-effective among all biofertilizer products that are in the market right now.


Certainly, we can safely assume that UniGrow is indeed the real and only biofertilizer that every Filipino farmer needs, to help them increase their yields, and in the process rescue them from poverty and economic hardships.  


After all, there is no better way to appreciate the product than to hear the recognitions it is getting from various groups especially among farmers, who were the actual beneficiaries of the wonders that the UniGrow brings.   


Filipino farmers are indeed blessed because they have the chance to change for the better thanks to UniGrow, a real game-changer and ultimate biofertilizer.


(Edwin M. Cordevilla is a multi-awarded writer, poet and author of several books. He is a former undersecretary of the Presidential Communications Office. You may send your comments at

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