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German representatives expressed strong interest in expanding cooperation with Shenyang, particularly in sectors such as industrial development, consumer markets, technology, and cultural exchange.


and its ambition to become a national central city and a key hub for Northeast Asian cooperation. They underscored Shenyang's commitment to fostering international openness across ten key development areas.

Agriculture Organisation (FAO), said "the number of people facing or projected to face catastrophic phase IPC, Phase 5, more than doubled from 705,000 in five "In 2023, trade between Shenyang and 


UNICH, Germany, The "Hello, Shenyang" global promotion event took place in Munich on Friday, drawing over 100 attendees, including German political and business leaders, along with a trade delegation from Shenyang, China.

Organized by the Shenyang municipal government, the event aimed to showcase Shenyang's evolving

image, attract foreign investment, and forge stronger international partnerships.


Officials from the capital city of Liaoning 

Province in northeast China highlighted the success of the global campaign launched last year, focusing on the city's steady economic growth

The European Union, United States and United Kingdom are among the signatories of the first-ever international legally binding treaty addressing risks of artificial intelligence (AI), the Council of Europe said Thursday.

The Council of Europe Framework Convention on artificial intelligence and human rights, democracy, and the rule of law was opened for signature during a conference of Council of Europe ministers of justice in Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania.


The treaty is the first-ever international legally binding treaty aimed at ensuring that the use of AI systems is fully consistent with human rights, democracy and the rule of law.


In a statement, the Council of Europe said that the Framework Convention was signed by Andorra, Georgia, Iceland, Norway, Moldova, San Marino, the UK as well as Israel, the US and the EU.


Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejcinovic Buric said that they must ensure that the rise of AI upholds “our standards, rather than undermining them.”


Russian President Vladimir Putin said that after current US President Joe Biden was "removed" from the presidential race, Moscow now supports Vice President Kamala Harris, who succeeded him on the Democratic Party presidential ticket.

Speaking at an economic forum in Russia's Far Eastern city of Vladivostok, Putin said Moscow "will support her."


"Our favorite, if I may say so, was the current president, Mr. Biden. He was removed from the race, but he recommended that all his supporters support Ms. Harris. That's what we'll do, too. We will support her," he said.


At the same time, the most important is the choice of the American people and not what Russia thinks or supports, he added.

"As for the favorites, it's not for us to determine. It's still the choice of the American people," he said.


Putin then joked that since Harris "laughs so expressively and contagiously," it means that "she is doing well" and she will not impose more sanctions on Russia.


Despite his caveat that it is the American people who decide, Putin’s remarks drew a swift rebuke from Washington.

A far-right party’s election win in Germany has reverberated globally, spurring fears over the country’s political future and the growing strength of movements with extreme positions.

On Sept. 1, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) became the first far-right party to win a regional election in Germany since World War II, bagging nearly 33% of the vote in the eastern state of Thuringia – the same place where the Nazis first won power in 1930.


AfD also came second in neighboring Saxony, showing its muscle in eastern Germany and representing a significant setback for Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government just a year before the next federal election.


Stunning as it may be, the AfD’s victory is a reflection of very real issues, not least the “continued economic differences between east and west Germany, and many East Germans’ self-perception as second-class citizens,” said Rafael Loss, policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.


Others include the region’s demographic decline and the “authoritarian and anti-democratic legacy” of its history, he said, emphasizing that former East Germany is where the AfD “has produced its strongest electoral results for some time now.”

“Former East Germany’s demographic decline is further accelerating. The average age of many places is well above Germany’s, and the gender ratio in some towns is the worst across Europe, with men outnumbering women by as much as 20%,” he explained.


“Feelings of being left behind turn into resentment, which fuels political extremism,” Loss told Anadolu, adding that many AfD voters “felt that Germany’s mainstream democratic parties had not properly addressed these issues in the past.”


A more direct factor in the election result, he said, was the stabbing attack in the town of Solingen on Aug. 23, just a week before the vote, where a rejected Syrian asylum seeker killed three people and injured eight others.


The attack drew strong reactions in the country, reigniting a debate on Germany’s asylum rules. A week later, the government resumed deporting convicted Afghan criminal offenders to their home country.


added that Musk "has agreed" to lead that commission.


Musk floated the idea of an efficiency commission, saying he would be "happy to help out on such a commission," during an interview last month on X with Trump.


"I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises," Musk wrote Thursday on X. (Anadolu)

Former US president Donald Trump said Thursday that if he wins the November 5 election, he would establish a government efficiency commission headed by billionaire Elon Musk.

"At the suggestion of Elon Musk, who has given me his complete and total endorsement ... I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms," Trump said at the New York Economic Club.

The Republican presidential candidate

Pope Francis presided over a grand Mass at Gelora Karno (GBK) Stadium in Jakarta, late Thursday afternoon, where he was received by over 87,000 Catholics.

The Mass which was attended by Catholics from several regions across Indonesia, began around 5 p.m. local time.

Pope Francis arrived at the GBK complex at 4 p.m. and was greeted by President Joko Widodo and his aides who had arrived earlier.

After shaking hands and having a brief conversation with Widodo, the Holy See leader proceeded to ride a modified Indonesia-made Maung MV3 car with an open roof to greet the people who had gathered at Madya Stadium.

He continued his trip toward the GBK Main Stadium, where thousands of Catholics chanted his name in Italian.
"Viva il Papa! Viva Papa Francesco! (Long Live the Pope! Long Live Pope Francis!),"

The United States on Thursday said it is seeking new export controls on quantum computing, advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment and other technologies, in what it called a national security measure that observers said would have limited ramifications on South Korean firms.

The Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security released an interim final rule on the export controls as the U.S. has been working in tandem with allies and partners to tighten such controls on critical technologies amid its intensifying rivalry with China over security and technological leadership.


The rule establishes new "License Exception Implemented Export Controls" under which countries -- implementing national export controls equivalent to those of the US -- would not need to submit license applications for items subject to the latest controls.


South Korea is not included on the list of countries entitled to the license exception, but is categorized as part of the country groups to which license applications will be reviewed with a "presumption of approval."


China and some other countries are listed in country groups, for which license applications will be reviewed with a

"presumption of denial."

"Today's action ensures our national export controls keep step with rapidly evolving technologies and are more effective when we work in concert with international partners," said Undersecretary of Commerce for Industry and Security Alan Estevez in a press release.


"Aligning our controls on quantum and other advanced technologies makes it significantly more difficult for our adversaries to develop and deploy these technologies in ways that threaten our collective security."


The latest controls target quantum computers, related equipment, components, materials, software, and technology that can be used in the development and maintenance of quantum computers, according to the department.

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